Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 120 - To the Patch of Green

Entrance to the DLSU Manila Football Field, Velasco Building (where Engineering classes are held) at the background

I went back to my college alma mater today. It was to watch a Japanese comedy, Rakugo, recommended by my Japanese language teacher. Since I'm no longer a student there and had no alumni card, I had to register myself at the gate, like the regular non-Lasallian folk. I don't mind. I never really identified myself as a Lasallian, anyway.

It's not because I had a horrible time in school. I made great friends in college, and I'm still pretty close with them until now. It's just that, I've never really felt at home there. For some reason, I feel like the DLSU Manila Campus doesn't have too much of a personality. There are no secret, quiet corners where you can be alone and ponder about life, or something. I know I'm sounding strange, but it just was never a comfortable place for me. Also, I only studied there for 3 years, and that's a pretty short time. At least, in my point of view, considering that the school I went to before college, I studied in for 13 years. I really want to write about this more, but maybe I'll post that in my main blog.

For now, I'll tell you that I took that picture on my way out of the campus. I read somewhere that the football field will soon "give way to buildings and classrooms" so I thought I should take a picture of it now, even if this photo shows just a small patch of green of the field. But this news actually illustrates my point of how I never warmed up to this campus. I don't know about you, but I've always thought of a concrete jungle, which DLSU now seems, as a place that stifles creativity.

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