Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Day 26 - Lemon Squares and Brewed Coffee

I remember my friend telling me years ago about this particular combination. Or did she just post about it in her blog and didn't actually tell me? Anyway, it was many, many years ago and I'd actually forgotten about it, so when I ordered this in Mary Grace and discovered how amazing it was, you could say that I kind of discovered it for myself. It was only when I got obsessed with it and started ordering it every time I was in Mary Grace that I remembered that my friend used to be obsessed with this combination, too.

Anyway, Americano coffee and lemon squares from Mary Grace Cafe. This is just the best thing to have after any meal.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Day 25 - Hand Drip Coffee

I managed to score some coffee from South Korea and the coffee bags inside the packets look like this. You pour the hot water into the bag and it works like a tea bag. The cardboard stuff on the side is for practical purposes, but also, coolness. And the coffee is super amazing.

When are these going to be available in my country?!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Day 24 - Old and New

The title of this post is Old and New as in this photo, I'm with new friends (and one old one), but we are hanging out in my house, which is something I usually do with old friends.

Then again, everyone here has been in my house at least twice already, so...

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Day 23 - Nag-break Lang

I don't know why there are now Grab booths inside malls. I suppose you can book rides from here? Or receive packages? I wanted to ask, but as you can see, the person who's supposed to be here was on break.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Day 22 - Music and Friendship

I know it looks like one of them is singing to the other, but really, sleepersecond's just asking Paincake Patrol a question and both of them are "kind of" drunk.

Also, they are two of the most determined musicians I know. I would say that they are talented, but I know they don't like that term and prefer to be known as determined and industrious instead. So there. Insert more positive adjectives here. Their music is awesome.

Listen to Paincake Patrol here. Listen to sleepersecond here.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Day 21 - Rainbow Cake

I didn't have to go to work today and it was the last day that my mom's voucher for Ace Water Spa was valid so I asked my friend J (who also didn't have work today) to come with me to the North*. As the activities in Ace Water Spa are guaranteed to make you hungry, I think it's lucky that it's in Kapitoylo, this area in Pasig where many interesting restaurants are located.

In this photo, J is smiling as bright as the rainbow cake in front of her, because we love cake and rainbows. :) We are in Epic Cafe where they have interesting cakes, yummy coffee, and cycling equipment for some reason. Anyway, it was my first time here and it's one of those places that makes me wish I didn't live so far away from it. I only felt that for a moment, though, because of course, as soon as I got home, I remembered how much #ILoveTheSouth. LOL. 'Eh 'di ako na loyal. :P

*Note: Anywhere I need to pass through the Skyway to get to, I already consider as "The North." Yes, that includes Makati and Taguig. (Pasig, in this case.)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Day 20 - Rigatoni al Telefono

The restaurant was out of penne so they asked me if it were okay to use rigatoni for the pasta dish I was ordering instead. I said it was fine, anyway what's important is the other ingredients they were using, right? This is my very favorite pasta in the world.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Day 19 - Puppy

My puppy on his first full day in his new home, our house. I took this photo while playing with him in our garage. He's an active pup, even though he doesn't look like it in this picture. He looks pensive here, which I think he also is. Anyway, we're calling him Jon Snow.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Day 18 - Puppies

My brother has a friend who owns one male and one female Labrador. The female gave birth to eight pups last January 11. They gave us one. :)

We got the one who is looking at the floor here. He looks sad in this photo, maybe because his brother is currently stepping on his back, but he made us really happy when we got him. :)

Friday, March 11, 2016

Day 17 - Obituaries

Using my uncle's connections with the media, we were able to place a notice in today's newspaper about my grandfather's death. The date is wrong, though. He actually died early in the morning of March 9, though I guess that doesn't really make a big difference.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Day 16 - Rice

My grandfather died this week :( and this is the amount of rice we needed to feed the people who were at the wake tonight. Lucky my aunt's got a catering business. The cups on the side contain pasta, in case people wanted to eat that instead.