Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 169 - My First Gift

The gift surrounded by the Christmas toys is the first Christmas gift I received this year and it came from someone I never expected would give me a Christmas gift -- my classmate in my Nihongo class.

It's unexpected because my classmates and I aren't really that close. I mean, we only see each other once a week, and for only 3 hours each time. Also, all of us in the class are so shy that we hardly ever talk to each other (really almost never) unless we're doing something class-related. It's actually kind of funny. All of us in the class are girls (even our teacher) and we all seem to just not like talking much, so we're pretty quiet, even (or especially) when the teacher's not around. We make ourselves busy by reading our books or anything else really, except talk to each other. Honestly, it's really my kind of class. :) And way better than my last set of classmates who were so "close" that they felt the need to ostracize the new students (namely me and 3 others).

Anyway, it was such a happy surprise when my classmate A handed me the gift. It makes me feel like there's hope for humanity yet (Is this proof that I'm overdramatic or what?) because it's possible that people who barely know you can still be so nice.

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