Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 87 - Pasalubong ng Bayan

I went to ATC today to have my picture taken for an application form. What I'm applying for, I'll tell you about later (way later) so that I won't jinx it. The real story about this photo is that on the way back, I passed by a Dunkin' Donuts stall and figured what the hell. Very good strategy for Dunkin' Donuts to be located near an entrance/exit, since their thing is that they're the "pasalubong ng bayan" then yeah, they should be near the doors where people pass just before the point of no return of deciding on whether to get pasalubong or not.

The flavors you can see are Choco Candy Sprinkle and Chocolate Marble, but underneath there's also Bavarian Creme, Choco Butternut, Choco Honey Dipped, Strawberry-filled, Nutty Choco, and... Yeah, that's it. I wonder if you're hungry now?

P.S. I changed the layout of this blog because when I started, I think I said that I would change the layout by September and well, September is tomorrow.


Anonymous said...


Ida said...

Pero maliit na lang 'yung mga donut :( Di na katulad ng dati.