Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 96 - Movie Weekend

Actually, I also watched Resident Evil: Afterlife yesterday c/o my fellow September birthday celebrant, L. But for some reason, I lost the tickets to that one, so I could only take a picture of these ones.

I saw this movie today with my parents at ATC. I wasn't really planning on seeing it, but was intrigued after so many posts on Facebook of the line, "It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!" In fairness, the kid who said that, Agnes, was really cute. And I enjoyed the movie, too, if only for its ridiculousness. It's still not Pixar-level, but the jokes were really funny and I think it was creative that one of the reasons Gru was "despicable" was because his vehicle was totally non-environment-friendly.

As for Resident Evil: Afterlife, I'm not a fan of the franchise, but I have to admit that this one was definitely entertaining. Nevermind that it barely had a story or that the characters were flat, hardly had any dialogue, and that they killed the Asian guy, you watch this movie for the special effects and badass action anyway, and those certainly did not disappoint.

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