Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 5 - The Artsy Friend

DRINKS & MOVIES - E with a sake cocktail mix @ Sumo Sam, Shangri-la Mall

Sometimes, an artsy friend will invite me (or I will invite him/her) to a free screening of a movie with subtitles. This time, it's E and the French Film Fest, which from its poster had me thinking that the theme was romantic movies, but turned out to include some real confusing films with undiscernable plots. Still, I had a fun time exchanging stories and trying out strange food and drinks from Sumo Sam's menu with a friend who shares an interest for non-Hollywood/mainstream movies. I particularly enjoyed her anecdote about watching Sex and the City 2, how she and her friend passed the time before the last full show by drinking alcohol and feeling all groggy by the time the movie started.


On an unrelated note, I really should start bringing my real camera to take better photos.

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