Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 2 - SATC Day

One of my bffs, J.

June 2, 2010 - Just another day for guys, but for us girls, it's the day for Sex and the City 2. J and I coordinated our "busy" schedules so we could watch it. We were supposed to see it in Alabang Town Center, and I was supposed to title this entry SATC @ ATC, but practicality made us see it in Market! Market! (this is the name of a mall) instead, which is alright. The cinemas there aren't bad, except for the seats which are a bit too low.

The movie wasn't bad. But it wasn't great either. It didn't really have a story. Critics have called it several bad names, but I think fans like us will still enjoy it, if only for the larger than life costumes and funny quips. :)

Anyway, I took this picture outside Market! Market! while we were waiting for my parents to pick us up. Gosh, that sounds horribly childish, doesn't it? Let me explain: My parents have a badminton game every MWF and they finish quite late, so when it's MWF and I'm out late, it just makes more sense to catch a ride with them rather than to commute home, even if I can. And J's house is near ours so she went with us, too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i have not seen J since......