Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 61 - My Last Day

Although it's Saturday and technically a Rest Day, it's the official last day of July and my official last day at work. I went to the office to clear out my desk, as you can see from this picture, and also to finish all my pending tasks.

It's the first time in the 4 years that I've been in that company that my desk has ever been this clean, so they're probably a bit glad to see me go. Hehe. I'm really going to miss it, though. You can't be in a certain place for 4 years and not have it become a big part of your life. I feel really sad to be leaving it, but at the same time, somewhat happy that I have a new life starting today.

Or am I just romanticizing this too much and that the truth is that I'm broke, unemployed, and have taken my "no direction in life" status to an even worse state?

1 comment:

zeerocks said...

awww...nothing sadder than an empty desk...