Thursday, March 26, 2020

#47 - Seems like another planet

Yesterday after work, I went biking around our neighborhood. That is, if you can even call it a "neighborhood." I live in the countryside and our house is surrounded by vegetable farms like these. The houses are so far apart from each other. Well, OK, not all the houses. But for the most part, the scenery is like this. Not that I'm complaining. Living here has made it extremely easy for me to social distance. I hardly ever encounter anyone except when I'm at work or in the convenience store.

Anyway, the weather was nice yesterday and that's why I decided to bike around. This I guess, was just before sunset.

And re: the title, I sent this picture to my friends. And they all live in the city, so they encounter a lot of people everywhere they go. So when they saw this, one of them said, "It's like you're in an another planet."

It feels that way sometimes, to be honest. Because everyone I know and love is living so far away from me and are living lives so different from mine. And now that the entire world is on lock down, visiting another country may as well be like visiting another planet in that, it's nearly impossible.

Like most everyone, I'm just waiting for things to go back to normal. Or at least, resembling the normal we once knew. I don't think we can ever go back to the way things were. Nothing will ever be the same after this.

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