Wednesday, March 4, 2020

#43 - Mt. Fuji from Tokyo

We were just taking pictures of the buildings when the restaurant manager pointed out that from one of the windows, you could see Mt. Fuji.

There is a conversation in my Japanese book that goes:

A: Can you see Mt. Fuji from Tokyo?
B: In the old days, you could. But nowadays, it's difficult.

I think it's because the atmosphere's changed, there are too many buildings now, etc. etc. But I guess, if the building is high enough and the sky is clear enough, you still can. :) Anyway, I'm really happy that we got treated to this now-rare occurrence.

This photo was taken around 5:45 pm at a MORI Tower in Tokyo last February 23rd. (And by the way, I didn't use a filter.)

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