Wednesday, March 4, 2020

#42 - Revival!

Aaaaaand it's four years after my last post.

So, obviously, SO MANY THINGS have happened since then. But something that hasn't changed is how I still feel the need to blog whenever I have some kind of free time. And that, I suddenly have plenty of right now. It's too long (and too boring) to go into detail as to why, but suffice it to say that I've some unexpected free time now and probably for a few more days, so why not post some pics with descriptions on the good ol' Internet? But since my entire life (or in fact, the entire world) has changed since I last posted here, I'll be going about the "continuation" of this 365 Project a bit differently.

  1. Numbers instead of Days - It's really not easy for me to post one picture for each day. So instead of saying "This post is for Day 42," or the like, I'm just going to put the number of the post, as you can see above. And I'll probably post a few pictures in one day or none at all on some days. But when I get to #365, then the project will be finished and I will feel a little bit accomplished! Perhaps.
  2. Pictures won't be in chronological order - Because #throwbackthursday #flashbackfriday #memoriesmonday and whatever other similar #hashtags have become a real thing, and TBH 365 Projects are kind of obsolete now, I'll likely just be posting whatever random picture I feel like sharing. So I won't be so limited in what I'll post and what I'll say.
  3. There's definitely no time limit - It's March 2020 now, but considering that my last post was in May 2016, I think it's safer to say that I probably won't be able to finish all 365 posts within this year. I'm also starting at #42, so this really isn't a "Pictures of the Year" kind of thing. I'm just kind of, looking for something to do to pass the time.
And, that's all I have so far. Anyway, I don't really think anyone else but me cares. Nobody blogs anymore. People either vlog on YouTube or write long posts on Facebook. Or tweet a lot. Or, I don't really know what else, I've never been an "on trend" kind of person. But, anyway! Here's my first photo for this revival:

A calendar! And bonus-- you can see part of my attendance sheet below. Lol. Anyway, I just figured it was appropriate given that when I started this project I posted a picture of a calendar, and again when I revived it last in December 2015.

And yes, as it was then, I'm in the office, and this is the calendar on my desk. It's not a standing desk calendar, though, so as you can see, the whole year is on it. And, maybe you recognize the company name below (I don't), but this is actually a free calendar that they gave out at the beginning of the school year last year. So in fact, the last month on it is the current one and I'm about to get rid of it soon. But anyway, at least it made it here! :P

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