Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 149 - Stars and Chimes

The first Christmas decorations of our house are these orange stars that we put above the porch outside. I don't know why we put them up so early. We usually put decorations on the first day of December. I think it's because our house is feeling a little jealous. Our two neighbors have already put up their Christmas decorations for the year, so we figured we should put them up, too.

As for the wind chimes, well they've always been there. At least for the past 12 years or so. My mom loves them.

BTW, the orange stars are homemade. Ate M made them with ordinary glue, barbecue sticks and orange plastic. Looks professional 'eh?

1 comment:

zee said...

waaaaaaaaaaa!!! christmas!!!!

naks! galeng ni ate M!