Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Day 1. Again.

This blog is alive!

It's the last three days (really two since December 29th is almost over) of 2015 and I am here. Reviving this blog. Really, reviving this 365 project. Or perhaps more accurately, beginning a new one. I know, I know, I don't have a great record when it comes to these things. But, no harm in trying and trying, right? How does that saying go again? Fall down seven times, get up eight?

To date, this shall be my 5th attempt at completing a 365 Project. And I know, I'll probably miss some days. That just can't be helped. But I hope it won't take me two years to finish this time.

Anyway, if anyone's wondering why I suddenly decided to begin yet another 365 Project (especially since this idea's become really passé), it's because I'm hoping that this next year will be really memorable for me. Not that that's not my hope every year. But I'm hoping that it will really be memorable this time. I guess that's kind of jinxing it a little. But I think I just have to work a little harder than usual. And I suppose the reason why I'm hoping this next year will be a really good one will become clearer as the days go along so I don't really have to explain everything now.

Hence, without further ado, here is my first picture for this 365 Project:

And it's a calendar! Who saw that coming? I mean, I did start my very first 365 Project with a picture of a calendar, so it's only fitting that I start this one, since it's in the same blog, with a calendar, too. That, or, I just always have to have a desk calendar and it's something that's easy to take a picture of when I have free time in the office.

Anyway, as you can see, the calendar is on December 2015. But more importantly (even more important than the rainbow cake, or, okay, maybe not more), the second half of the quote on this page of the calendar actually really got me--may the coming year be a big slice of happy.

May it be. :)


kainess said...

Where are the posts for the other days that passed?

The 365 Project said...

@kainess: Waaah, nothing gets past you :P
I missed all the days already! T_T But! I will update soon! :D