Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 251 - Lion Hat

I spent the day at Solenad (a sort of shopping centre) at Nuvali in Sta. Rosa, Laguna with my friends who were celebrating their birthdays. There was a bazaar beside the parking lot and we bought these silly hats. There were several designs and it was fun looking through all of them. I think you can tell our personalities from the animals we chose -- J1 chose the Siberian husky hat (because her dog is a Siberian husky), J2 chose the tiger hat, J3 chose a pink bear hat, and as you can see, I picked the lion hat. The best thing was that none of us wanted the same animal. I love that my friends and I are all different from each other. :)

More details about our day at Solenad in my main blog.

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