Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 163 - Mutt in Boots

Admittedly, that is not the best title for this picture. I was going for a parallel with "Puss in Boots" except that it's for dogs, but I guess it doesn't work when you make changes like that. But I can't think of any better title right now so that'll have to do.

Brigham's got himself new shoes! My mom bought him shoes in the hopes that he can walk better, see he's got a birth defect -- one of his feet doesn't have toes, so it gives him sort of a limp. It's not major, though. But we hope these shoes can help anyway. Plus, they're very cute shoes.

BTW, I caught him yawning! Doesn't he look so weird? :P

1 comment:

zee said...

kawaiii!!! wawa naman brigham hehe...